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The verdict is in…

September 8, 2012

The verdict is in, so to speak…the Judge has finally made his decision regarding my child custody modification case. The “other” parent is a Parental Alienator, narcissistic Sociopath and many other things I am sure.

He counter petitioned against me of course, I represented myself because I couldn’t get help in obtaining a Missouri Lawyer while he, living in Missouri obtained one by promising to make payments, he’s already skipped out on payments to the divorce attorney he obtained before setting fire to the house his parents owned that he lived in, of course making it look like an accident in order for his family to collect on the insurance which they had just purchased, he then had to move to another home, which he conveniently chose to move to another county in Missouri. His dad and other family members are volunteer firemen and good friends with a lot of the towns people (good ol boys) so the details have a habit of going overlooked. They had a house fire in another house they previously owned a few years before this one so it wasnt anything new.

The judge made a decision to give him full legal custody of our 6-year-old daughter. He already had sole physical custody, now he has sole legal custody. I have visitation rights for 6 weeks during the summer and 1 week christmas, that’s it!

This decision was made on account that I am in ND and he is there with her in MO. Lets totally forget that he should have gotten a contempt because he didn’t properly notify me that he was planning on moving to Montana, he didn’t tell me the name of the city just told me Montana and he didn’t give me a 60 days notice. BUT I was in contempt because while I had her for christmas visitation the roads were closed because of a snow storm which closed down the interstate in 4 states. And during a summer visitation my transmission went out in my car and while I was making other arrangements to return her, keep in mind that I notified him both instances, he chose to come and get her.

I try to call and talk to her twice a week and he turns his phone off and ignores my calls, he refuses to answer emails and avoids any kind of communication with me about our daughter.

He had just kicked out a woman he was living with who he was making our daughter call mom, he then moves in another who he immediately has her calling mommy and they then get married two months later.

Also in the judge’s decision, in the provisions he made me agree to keeping my boyfriend/fiance and his 11-year-old daughter away from our daughter stating they can only be around her supervised! His way of trying to “control” who I am with ?

And because of the contempt against me, this years christmas vacation …he gets the first 5 days of that vacation that I would normally get …as a punishment and reminder to make sure in the future to get her home on time, so if there is a snow storm and icy closed roads I had better get my ass out there and risk mine and the children’s lives and DRIVE 700 miles on those icy closed roads!!!


So, now Im left with the question, What do I do now?

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